
Selection for (ever) better protection.

Selecting the right fiber is an essential step in how we operate. For more than 40 years, we have seen on numerous occasions how and to what extent it contributes to the performance of our nonwovens.

Selecting each fiber is a vital subject for our teams in charge of product creation and development. Now more than ever, it’s a step marked by eco-responsibility, since our entire ecosystem shares the desire to move innovation forward sustainably.

With our technical nonwovens or polyesters, depending on the applications and expected performance levels, we naturally ensure that their linear density (dTex), crimp, length and heat shrink meet our requirements.

For example, as concerns the length of the selected fibers, Duflot® nonwovens are made from fibers at least 40 mm long. This requirement means that under all circumstances we can guarantee the mechanical performance of each of our production runs.

Performance: the fire, thermal or mechanical protection, soundproofing or filtration properties of our nonwovens are attained by a combination of production know-how and the selection of high-quality fibers. With our partners, we strive to cultivate this spirit of ongoing collaboration to reach ever greater performance levels. We know that to produce good products, very good materials are needed. Thus, the fibers we select must be equal to the mission for our nonwovens which, as we never forget, have to be both comfortable for people and also protect them.

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